Cornhole Gallery
Great pics of cornholes and other useful wood products for your home and garden.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Triple decker bunk bed
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Hello, all over again
Before, the words and pictures came so easy. And now, not so much.
The cornhole website is gone also. And so are the cornholes. Reason for that is easy. Money. People wanted some outlandish paintings on the boards, but were not willing to pay the true cost. Sure, I always kept the prices "reasonable", but some of the requests were borderline crazy. And of course, my promise to deliver in Lake County was my fault. Some of the boards should have been $150. 00 a set, but the most I got was $120.00. But again. That's my fault.
I know I talked about this before, but how many times have I driven by people playing in there front yard with a set of boards that looked like someone threw the paint onto them. Yet they seemed happy with them. And they probably made them themselves, or had an uncle do it.
Like at craft shows, when I show off the "Browns helmet" cornhole, which is just beautiful, do people comment with "nice, but my husband can make that". Maybe he can, but I guarentee that he won't. And if he does paint it orange and brown stripes (cause he ain't doing the helmet, that's for sure) the paint will be house paint and will look nothing like the the "Browns orange and Browns brown".
That's the difference from what you make and what I make. Every color, college or pro, is the true color.
And quality? My son took a set of my boards to a coaches outing in the Metro Parks one summer. When he arrived, they had started a game of cornhole on a set from a leading sporting goods store that he coach had purchased. Then we set of my boards beside their boards. See where this going? The sound of the bags hitting the frame alone was enough to have the other coach pick up his boards and return them.
Maybe I will try it again. But this time, I will not be so soft on price.
Next time I want to show you a TRIPLE BUNK BED FOR DOLLS that is finished and delivered.
Thanks and write me at
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Making the turn and heading for home
Being older is supposed to mean we are wise in our years from all of our experiences. Whether good or bad, we should have retained something to pass along. I once read that being older and having the answers was a good thing. Except nobody asked us the questions.
I don't give out advise to my kids anymore, for that reason. They don't ask. They are doing OK without me. I think their Mom gives them the advise anyway. Maybe if they need help around the house or apartment with something that needs fixed, they will ask. I am always glad to oblige if I can. The grand kids, two girls, will ask once in a while. And that is usually for AA batteries for the Leap Frog. Not much for advise though.
Recent events have made me more aware of the "finish line". Several weeks ago, a group of people got together for a celebration. There were sisters, spouses, nieces and nephews. All the sisters were eighty plus years old, which made the nieces and nephews sixty plus.
It was a fine gathering of people that had not seen one another for years. Some for more years than one would care to admit. The funny thing was, that back in the day, some did not speak to one another anyway. Or was it more like being mildly upset? But not this day. Whatever upset them then, was long forgotten and the hall was abuzz with stories and laughter and more of the same over and over for hours. All was forgiven or forgotten.
It was good, very good, that they spent that time together. Because, within a few short weeks afterwards, one sister would pass on. All that were there that night for celebration were glad to have had that time together once again.
We want our children and grandchildren to appreciate the time they have and to appreciate each other too. Not let pettiness come between relationships. And not wait for old age to cure the ill will. Someone said "don't sweat the small stuff. It's all small stuff".
But for those of us that are rounding third and heading home, we need to be sure they appreciate each other to the fullest. This is a good time of year to remind them.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
And now, the famous Bavarian, or is it Bohemian sandbags

Friday, July 29, 2011
What a lovely shade of blue...on the kitchen floor??

So anyway, as I was saying; I was closing a can of "true blue" Krylon, the 29 ounce size from Sears. From Sears because Drug Mart did not have it in the Painters Choice, which I would have preferred. I just finished a section of the Case Western Reserve cornhole board that a lady ordered. I was working in the dining area of the living room, mind you. Debbee suggested that because it is simply too humid in the sun room where I normally finish painting to come into the house. The sun room has much more sunlight and more room for my "stuff."
So I took the open can from the dining area to the kitchen sink, 7/8 full can of true blue. And I mean BLUE. True Blue. I never mess up the edges so it is easy to push the lid down and get a good temporary seal before tapping on the lid with a hammer when I am completely done. But I am not completely done yet. So I pushed down only.
Remember, I am just a little older than I used to be and the hands don't have the strength they once had. So, I am squeezing the can between my thumb and whatever fingers I can get around the bottom of the can.
I have this "thing" with my right hand that needs surgery to help straighten out the hand to its normal configuration. One finger is folded in such a way that the hand cannot lay flat. When shaking hands, it is the first finger in for the shake, so I have to position my hand to kind of wrap around your hand so you don't get a "finger bump" and wonder "what the heck was that all about?".
Squeezing the lid and bottom of the can, and suddenly it takes flight. Sort of like trying to hold onto jell-o, or a wet ice cube.
Well, it was airborne. And before I could react, it landed safely on its side on the floor, two feet away. At first, I thought it held. But no! It just sort of, laid down. And out came a lot of pretty blue latex paint. It reminded me of those scenes from a crime show when someone is shot in the head and they always show a pool of blood right next to the head to prove they were shot in the head.
Well, this true blue was defiantly shot in the head.
I reached for the can immediately to stand it upright. Luckily, if that is the right word to use at a time like this, I saved enough of the paint to finish the job. But all I could think was that this was nine dollars laying on the floor and a roll of paper towels will be used in the clean up process.
Ok, think fast! It's water based latex. So get lots of water on it right away. And get started wiping. NOW!
Suddenly, my knees did not ache so much and I went straight down to the floor on both knees using a bench I had handy to rest my chest and stomach on so I could use both hands. (I think I wrote a blog about this type of bench and its handy use both in the house or in the garden. If I didn't, I will soon. Very handy item.)
The wiping begins. I got up off the floor only to get a bucket of water to keep the area wet. If I dare say, working quickly and with wet paint made even wetter, the clean up went very well.
Sure! I used a lot of paper towels, but the floor shows no signs of the accident. And from now on, its using only the mallet to seal off the lid.
If you do use a hammer to seal the lid, tap it lightly. It does not take much to seal it. And use a cloth over the lid while tapping. The cloth will catch any spray that might be in the trenches of the can.
Hope you like the featured cornhole.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
AND NOW, INTRODUCING (what daya mean not yet)

Pretty cool, huh?
I put the prices on the MSU because I was going to put this picture on the website,, but I think I will wait until it is done totally. Why show "work in progress", even if this is what it will look like when finished anyway. Just the letters will be "cleaner" and bigger.
I understand these will be taken to Chicago to a couple that attended each school and then got married. One of them should have gone to OSU. Now that would have been interesting.
So next, we will put a couple sets in stock, in anticipation of the NFL strike ending.
And then its on to something else. Maybe a leaning shelf. I like those.
Now go make something. And check in with your local craft shows. They can use your support.